I hate…

…when I fart, thinking I’m all alone, then someone walks up to talk with me. (ok, come on…you know you do it)

…when I can’t find something I know is right beside me

…when I’m dead tired, but have to stay awake

…working inside on beautiful days

…”Say Yes to the Dress

…sparkling water

…being late

…lima beans

…sitting still

A little heavier

I hate…

…that “church people” are often the reason that the unchurched don’t attend.

…to see fathers not engaged with their children.

…to see husbands not treating their wife like their princess

…to see people who are paralyzed by their fears.

…when people won’t accept grace, but live in guilt and shame.

…that some moms have to raise their children alone.


…that the Church isn’t a healthier community.

…to see people making bad choices after bad choices.

What do you hate?