You want to be a better leader, in life and in your small group. I know you do.
Nobody that reads, watches instructional videos, and seeks to grow in their faith says, “I want to put this work in…so that my leadership capacity decreases.” Nobody.
This is one of the best talks on small group leadership that I have ever heard. My friend John Morgan (blog, Twitter, Facebook) gave the talk at a leadership rally I held for small group leaders at Long Hollow Baptist Church. Whether you’re on a church staff, a small group leader, or not, this video will help you become a better leader.
(the video’s long, but worth carving 35 minutes out for)
In case you missed them, here are the 8 keys:
1. Vision – what is my small group going to look like?
Without vision, you’re not going to accomplish anything. (Tweet that)
2. Attitude – if your attitude is bad, your life will be bad.
Your attitude in how you respond to problems is the determining factor in your life. And your attitude shifts others’ attitudes, whether positively or negatively.
A negative attitude is one of the primary causes of failure. (Tweet that)
If you’re not fired up about your group, nobody else will be.
3. Confidence – improvement comes from self-improvement.
If you want your group to grow, you need to grow. Be “selfish” with your own personal spiritual growth. If you don’t believe in yourself, don’t expect anyone else to. (Tweet that)
4. Environment – you can motivate others by having faith in them.
Believe that the Holy Spirit changes lives, and create environments where that can happen best. (Tweet that)
5. Seek – learn from those with the knowledge and how-to that you lack.
Who has time to read? You do! “There’s no such thing as a time management problem. There are only priority management problems.” (Tweet that)
6. Bravery – faith is tested in the moments of difficulty.
Fear regret more than you fear failure. If we remembered people for their failures, Christopher Columbus would be the guy that didn’t find India.
You owe it to your small group to be brave. (Tweet that)
7. Initiative – develop habits of taking action before they’re ready.
Don’t wait until your group is “ready” for their next step. Push now. Don’t wait until the church does a small groups push to get people into group life. Take the initiative now. Invite people to join your group.
It’s a shame that sales people do a better job than the Church. (Tweet that)
8. Habits: can you create your vision with your current habits?
Your habits create your reality. Everyone of you is happy with where your life is, and where your group is. If you weren’t you’d be changing your habits and standards. Your small group is as good as you want it to be. (Tweet that)
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