I have hair on my knuckles.

I tore my ACL my senior year of high school.

I have a bachelor’s degree in animal science.

I once said, “I’ll never be on staff at a church.”

I have a 2 year old son.

My wife is hot.

I live less than 2 miles from where I grew up.

I had no plans of living less than 2 miles from where I grew up.

I have a Master’s Degree in counseling.

I was once stuck in London because of a volcano.

I’m decent at golf.

God has gifted me with a passion to learn new things.

I like creating systems that work.

I enjoy running.

I enjoy helping others understand how much God loves them.


And it is out of these (still not sure, though, where the hair on my knuckles fits in…) that I lead at home, at church, and in my community.  It is out of these experiences, and the ones God continues to give, that I write this blog.

You can’t be me.  And I can’t be you.

If you try to be me, you’ll fail.  You’re not gifted like me.

If I try to be you, I’ll fail.  I’m not gifted like you.

You don’t have to blog like me.  Walk like me.  Talk like me.  Preach like me.  Write like me.

God’s created you unique.  Which means that there’s nobody else like you.

We need you to be you.