I’ve posted HERE, HERE, and HERE about the ways that small groups are difficult for you whether you’re introverted or extroverted.  In closing, here are a few things to remember:

1. Being introverted or extroverted isn’t a sin. It’s just how God made you.  Don’t let anybody criticize you for your wiring in this area.

2. The Church needs both introverts and extroverts. Without both, things can get out of balance.

3. You need small group life. When the Bible talks about our need for authentic community (see Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25; the “one anothers“) it doesn’t distinguish that need to just one personality type.  The Church is a diverse body with diverse needs…but we all have the need for community, because our need for community is rooted in God’s design, not in a personality type.  Our need for community is not a result of the Fall (though it’s certainly complicated by the Fall), rather rooted in the fact God lives in community (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit living in perfect community at all times) and has designed us with that need.  Using your personality isn’t a valid excuse to not plugging into the life of the body of Christ (the Church).  There will be difficulties along the way, for sure.  And at times, you’ll find yourself wanting to back out because it’s too tough.  But when you press on through that difficulty, I’m convinced you’ll find biblical community life-transforming.

Find a group of people.  It may be 3.  Or it may be 23.  But find a small group of people that you can grow with, that love you, will encourage and admonish you, and that you can serve.

Whether you’re and introvert or an extrovert.