We went out of town last weekend, and came home to this in our garden.

If you leave a fruit on the vine too long, it rots.  And rotting fruit looks, tastes, and smells disgusting.

Fruit was meant to be enjoyed by others.  Not to rot on the vine and never be enjoyed.

The same is true with the gifts God gives the Church.

To individuals in the Church: If God has gifted you, and you’re not using that gift, there’s a great chance that the gift will rot and start to stink.  If you’ve got a gift, use it!  We (the Church) need you to.

To church leaders: Turn your folks loose to use their gifts.  They’ll be honoring God, building the Church, and find themselves more satisfied.
This may lead to a bit of messiness, but the risk is worth it.  Your church is full of people who have been gifted by God, and will be much healthier if their gifts are being utilized.  Look for areas where people can use their gifts, and get them plugged in.
What gifts has God given you?

Have you been able to use them to build others up and honor God?