Worry is a curious thing.
We think we can buy our way out of it.
We think we can think our way out of it.
We think we can outlast it.
We think we can out will-power it.
We think we can beat it.
But in the end, it will beat you.
In the end, it will destroy you.
In the end, it won’t give up.
In the end, it will dominate every area of your life.
In the end, it will leave you afraid.
In the end, you’ll be its slave.
Worry withers under the burden of Hope.
And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? – Jesus (Matthew 6:30)
* Photo credit: Creation Swap user James Cronin