Do you read your local paper?  Mine is the Leaf Chronicle (I receive the Leaf Chronicle electronically, via e-mail, every day).  Is it the most well-done paper?  Probably not.  Is it the most widely circulated paper?  You answer that.  You likely have never heard of it.  It doesn’t have the best articles, the most extensive coverage, the widest reader base, or even have a version that’s released on the Kindle .  But it’s my local paper.

I live here.  I work here.  I’m raising my family here.  I consider myself a leader here.  Therefore, I need to know what’s going at the local level.  Sure, I can read blogs, talk with people, and go to city meetings, but I can’t be everywhere.  Neither can you.  The newspaper reports what is going on here in Clarksville.  And that’s important to me.

I had an unplanned, emergency meeting with somebody today.  Had I not read our local paper this morning, I would have been steps behind in the conversation.  I was greatly helped because I was knew many of the details before the meeting, as reported in the Leaf Chronicle.

Clarksville is my community.  If you consider yourself a leader in one way or another, you need to be involved in your local community.  The local newspaper is a great place to start.  Go ahead, try it.  Your community will thank you.  So will those you lead.