Tag: platform

The limited value of guest-posts

I’m in the middle of a series of guest posts.  You can read it HERE.

And I’ve had people asking me how my blog traffic is changing because of these guest posts from big-name players in the small groups world.

You’d think that it would drive traffic up.  These guys I’m getting to guest-post are well-known in the small groups, social media, and church conference world.  You’d think I would get a significant hit the day that these posts go live, and a residual effect moving forward.

Because not only are these guys well-known in these spheres, they’re putting great posts together!  So I’ve got consistent, high-quality guest posts…the numbers should go up, no?

Nope.  The numbers have stayed relatively the same.  There have been no positive gains.

But that’s not why I solicit guest posts.  I’m not looking at my blog asking, “What’s in it for me?”

Benefits of the guest post:

Helping someone else get their name out. When you allow a guest to post, you open up their content to your readers.  Their “name” can then extend to the people who visit your site regularly, and thus their message is broadcast to a wider audience.

Using your platform to benefit someone else. You’ve spent time and energy building your platform.  Through consistent, quality content, you’ve crafted an image of who you are.  Allowing someone to guest post gives them the chance to build on your success.  Especially when the guest poster is new to the blogging scene.

Continuing to reinforce your brand. As long as the guest post fits within the normal range of your topics, you can reinforce your personal (or corporate) brand by adding another voice to the conversation.

But you know what the best part of guest posts are?

Being generous. And this generosity goes both ways.  It’s extended to the blog, because this guest author is sharing his or her valuable insights and wisdom.  And it’s extended to the author, because that author is given a platform that he or she didn’t work to attain.

Social media is at its best when people are being generous.

How have you seen the generosity of social media in action?

Have you guest-posted on a blog before?



Why bloggers love blogging

I love blogging.

In fact, to date, I’ve written 347 blog posts.

Given that there are over 133 million blogs, and that 1 in 5 update their blog daily, it’s apparent that many, many people throughout the world like blogging as well.  I’m guessing you’re one of them.

And I think I just might have an idea why.

10 Reasons Why Bloggers love Blogging

1. The immediacy of the feedback. Within 30 minutes, you can get Retweeted.  Mentioned.  Get a Facebook “like.”  Facebook comments.  Comments on your blog.  Replies to comments on your blog…all of which immediately tell you whether your post was a success or a flop.

2. The quickness of publishing. Have an idea?  Watch a video?  A quote move you?  Throw it up on the blog…right now.  No need to wait on a publisher to review and edit.  No need to wait on a webmaster to get back in front of their desk to push your post live.  You can publish right now.

3. The freedom. Since it’s your blog, you can publish what you want, when you want, how often you want, with the consistency and length you want.  You can include pictures, videos, and links…or not.  Your choice.

4. The design. What you write can look cool on a page.  That’s motivating.

5. The platform. Many of us don’t have the chance to communicate with mass numbers of people every week.  Yet God has gifted us to do so.  Blogs give us that chance.

6. Work out our thoughts publicly. Instead of sitting in your office and stewing over thoughts and ideas on your own, blogging gives you a chance to work those thoughts out loud.  And I, for one, find great value in extroverting my ideas.

7. The interaction. Iron sharpens iron.  I think somebody said that.

8. Global reach. Instead of just sharpening your iron in a conversation with one or two friends, blogs give you the chance to sharpen it with hundreds, or even thousands, of people around the world.

9. Sharing. So much of the value of social media is found in sharing ideas, insights, and wisdom with others.  Successful bloggers give away more than they ever get.

10. The challenge. Blogging isn’t easy.  Condensing the content.  Focusing it.  Consistently posting high quality content.  It’s a challenge, but one that bloggers love.

Why do you love blogging?  What did I miss?


Michael Hyatt and growing your platform

Michael Hyatt, at Catalyst 2010, offers three ways you can grow your platform:

How do you grow your platform?

1. Establish a command center. This is a homebase, that you own and control, whether a website or a blog.  The most important thing you can do is write compelling content on a consistent basis.

2. Set up embassies. These are places you don’t own or control, but have a regular presence.  The trouble with making these places (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) a command center is that they could go away.  Case in point…Myspace.

3. Develop an intelligence agency. Monitor what’s being said about you or your company, because stuff is being said!

What’s your platform?


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