Are you one who writes notes to yourself? I am.

I email myself.

Write myself notes on sticky pads.

I use reminders on my phone.

I use Wunderlist.

Sometimes I even write notes on my hands.

Most of these notes are information-driven because I’m prone to forget to do things. If I don’t write it down, I’ll forget it. I need reminders often.

And if something as eternally insignificant as picking up the milk warrants me writing myself a note, how much more vital should it be for me to write myself reminders about the things that matter most?

Today, I wrote a post for Michael Perkins’ blog. It’s a note to myself. Check it out HERE. It’s a reminder to myself to invest in the things that matter most. I’d love to say that I’ve arrived, and that it’s not still a struggle. But I’m a work-in-progress. I’m still drawn to building things that won’t last through eternity.

And I need grace. Every day.

Do you write notes to yourself?