I thoroughly enjoy learning from others.  I do so on a daily basis, whether online or in person. And I believe that I grow more that way than if I were to go about this life alone.

So why not share your story, and your perspective, with the audience of Life and Theology?  Give others the chance to learn from you.  If you’re interested in guest posting on Life and Theology, here are some guidelines:

What kind of content do you accept?

I believe strongly in the power of people’s story, and would love to hear how God has worked in your life through small groups.  Other posts could include a Christian worldview (a theological perspective) on topics such as leadership, the church, church planting, counseling, parenting, and social networking.  Most posts on this blog have something to do with small groups.  There is no minimum length for your post, but if it takes you more than 500 words to get your point across, you should probably simplify your ideas for this blog (or suggest them as multiple posts).


There is a good chance that I will edit your post for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.  If I make changes that seem to communicate a different idea than your intention, which is highly unlikely, I will email the post back to you for you to approve the changes.  I reserve the right to post a brief intro/conclusion to help give the readers a context as to why I see this topic as valuable.  It will be clear that this is my intro, and not yours.


I know that a lot of time, effort, and creativity goes into putting together a post.  However, since I own the rights to this blog, I reserve the right to not publish your post.  Please don’t be offended or take it personally if your entry is denied.


If your post meets the above guidelines, please email it to me for consideration. I will respond with a “yes” or “no” within 48 hours.  Please put your post in the body of the email rather than as an attachment.  Again, please don’t be offended or take it personally if your entry is denied.  There are many factors that determine whether a given post fits, and will be effective among, the readers of Life and Theology.

(HT: Michael Hyatt)