I’m reading through the Bible in a year.  I’ve done this before.  Started a “Read Through the Bible in a Year” plan, only to make it to the first part of February.

It’s not that I quit reading my Bible.  I just quit the plan.

So I’ve started with The Chronological Plan. I wanted a plan that didn’t jump all over the Bible (giving readings from various sections of the Bible/day), and this keeps me in one book at a time.  In addition, my readings sync with my computer and my phone, making it even more convenient (and not allowing me to use the excuse, “I couldn’t find my Bible…”).

Throughout 2010, in order to keep myself accountable, I’m going to write a blog post each week on a portion of Scripture from that week’s reading.  I am convinced that Scripture was written to be applied, and so to keep me focused on application, each week I’ll write a devotional post.

I’m choosing to build in this accountability.

What are you doing to keep yourself on track with the Lord in 2010?