On Monday morning, I had some leftover chicken that I brought to work with me.  My arms were full when I got out of the truck to walk into the office, and I inadvertently forgot the chicken.  3 hours later, I realized my mistake, walked out to the truck to get it, and came back inside to put it in our refrigerator.  I ended up having lunch plans on Monday, so I left it in the fridge until yesterday.

I was really hungry, and the thought of grilled chicken made my mouth water.  30 minutes after I had finished it, my mouth was far from watering.  My stomach was messed up!  In the 3 short hours the chicken hung out in my hot truck, it had spoiled.  It tasted good going down, but soon had its revenge.

In your church, or business, or organization, are you set up to move swiftly on ideas that fit within your mission and vision? Or are you set up in such a hierarchical pyramid that, even if an idea is brilliant, it takes months, or even years, to move forward with it? Or maybe you’re so locked into a certain way of fulfilling the strategy of your company that you can’t see the value of a new idea.  Good ideas can go bad quickly when they’re not acted upon.

At one point, that chicken would have been a great choice for lunch.  But left in the truck, it spoiled.