via iStockPhoto user: Rubber Ball

When I finished graduate school, I was asked if I was going to go on and get my doctorate. Here was my response:

Nope. I’m going to write about what I want to write…and read what I want to read.

I didn’t want anyone to dictate the content or the timing of my reading and writing. And I found great freedom in that.

Then something happened on my blog. I fell into the trap that says you have to create certain content on certain days. For instance, last week marked the 10-year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center. The blogging world dictates that you need to put up a post about that…reflect on how life is different or share a story about where you were. You know the drill. You should do this because that’s how you’re going to grow your blog…lots and lots of content driven by what’s happening in society. This is the pressure of content creation.

And then there I was, right back into the rut of others dictating what I wrote about.

So how do you get out of that rut? You create new, fresh content.

Easier said than done, right?

“I’ve got nothing to say!” you purport. And that’s where you’re wrong, my friend. You’ve got plenty to say. You’ve just got to start thinking differently about gathering, curating, and producing content.

Ready to start producing consistently high-quality, original posts? Then get ready for some hard work.

 7 ways to Produce Creative Content on your Blog

Idea Capture

Always be ready to capture…because you never know when inspiration is going to strike. I use Evernote for capturing many of my thoughts. (in fact, I email myself many ideas. Evernote has a feature where you can email info and have it go straight to the folder you designate. My friend Jeff Goins wrote about that HERE). But I’ve also been known to write ideas down in my Moleskine…the problem is, I often leave the Moleskine somewhere other than where I need it. But I’ve always got my phone, and capturing an idea is key to having content to share.

Observe life

You’ve got a unique angle on life, because you’re the only you. Only you have your job, your family, your church, and your community. Only you have your story and your gifts and your passions. Observe life through your lens and share your observations with us, whether that’s through photos, the written word, or videos.

Share a tool you’re using

Is there a new, helpful app you’ve stumbled on? Some new software that’s helping you be more productive? Maybe a new piece of hardware that you love? Share that with us, and tell us how it’s changing the way you work, play, produce, and enjoy life.


Try videoing yourself instead of writing your post out. Having to speak into a camera is a whole new challenge…maybe that’s just the motivation you need.

Interview someone else

Pick an author, a blogger, or a leader you respect and interview them. Most people, if asked respectfully, would be honored to digitally sit down with you and answer some questions. This way, you have fresh content and get to introduce your readers to someone whom you respect and follow.

Read incessantly and share your learnings

I read mostly on my Kindle, and when I do, I highlight sections. Amazon makes all of your highlights and notes available (you can find yours HERE), so when I’m done, I can peruse back through my highlighted sections. Pick a quote you love and write a post on that. Pick 5 quotes and paste them all into a post and share them as proof that we really need to read that book.

Ask a question and aggregate

Try asking a question on Twitter or Facebook. Take the responses and aggregate them into a blog post (making sure to give credit where credit is due). Make sure to add your own thoughts into the mix. This is a great way to create fresh content.

Time to get to work. Start capturing ideas and sharing them with us.

Question: What do you do to create fresh content? What ideas could you share with us to help improve our blogs?