Looking back over my spiritual growth, I can definitely notice ups and down. I have had periods of no growth and periods of slow growth. I’ve also had a few times when I’ve grown rapidly.

The most memorable time of spiritual growth for me was when I was in late high school.  Every Friday night, I met with a group of my friends (about 10-12 guys) to study the Bible and talk about life.  We chose various curriculums to guide us, but it was the relationships that were formed in that group that really helped me to grow in my walk with the Lord.  They helped me to see the possibilities God had for me, pointed out areas of my life that needed to change, prayed for me, and helped my walk with the Lord to expand and prepare me for what God had next.  Little did I know that those Friday nights would be a training ground for the call to full-time ministry that God would call me to 5 years later.

Andy Stanley says that there are 5 things God uses to grow our faith:

1. Practical Teaching

2. Providential Relationships

3. Private Disciplines

4. Personal Ministry

5. Pivotal Circumstances

I see small groups as the place where each of these is realized.  Fleshed out.  Nourished.  Given the chance to succeed.

Looking back over my life, I can see how God has used small groups to shape me and help define the calling God placed on my life.

Have you had a similar experience?  Leave a comment and brag on what God has done in your life through small groups.

God has used small groups to change my life.  Have groups changed yours?